16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
ICGG 2014 • 4 - 8 August • Innsbruck, Austria
Aug 19, 2014 •  Conference photos online


Submission System

Extended abstracts

Extended abstracts are to be submitted via the EasyChair Conference System.

In order use this system, you need an EasyChair account.

You may submit your extended abstracts until January 27, 2014.

Abstract submission is closed.

What to do after your abstract has been accepted?

We decided to typeset the book of abstracts by ourselves. This will guarantee a consistent and space saving appearance. Strict adherence to the ICGG 2014 format is less relevant than initially communicated. We will, however, need the full source (text and figures) of your contribution.

  1. Revise your abstract according to the comments by reviewers and editors.
  2. Mail your revised abstract (text and figures) to ICGG2014@uibk.ac.at by March 31, 2014.
  3. Alternatively, revise your abstract on EasyChair and inform us by email to pick up the final version there.
  4. Make sure that at least one author registers for the conference. We kindly ask for an early registration.
  5. Prepare your full paper according to the instructions below.
  6. Sign and send the copyright transfer form: ICGG2014-Copyright-Transfer-Form.doc, ICGG2014-Copyright-Transfer-Form.pdf.

Contrary to requests by some reviewers, it is not necessary to

  • include reference in your abstract or
  • make great efforts to format it according to the formatting instructions.
References should go to the full paper, your abstract will be formatted by us.

Camera-ready manuscripts

Send camera-ready manuscripts in PDF-format to ICGG2014@uibk.ac.at. Please also attach all your source files (MS Word or LaTeX Document, Figures, etc.).

Camera-ready manuscripts can be submitted until June 16, 2014.

Formatting Instructions

Camera-ready manuscripts

All submitted manuscripts must adhere strictly to ICGG 2014 format. You can prepare your abstract using either LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Please use these templates for formatting your camera ready manuscript.


Microsoft Word

ICGG2014-Manuscript-MSWord.zip (all files in one zip-archive)

Camera ready manuscripts may be submitted until June 16, 2014.


Guidelines for formatting the abstract are available here.
