16th International Conference on Geometry and Graphics
ICGG 2014 • 4 - 8 August • Innsbruck, Austria
Aug 19, 2014 •  Conference photos online

Upload instructions

Abstract submissions will be handled by the EasyChair system.

You will need to register and log in to the system on the ICGG2014 page in EasyChair.

Here are instructions to help you submit your paper on the EasyChair website:

  1. Visit http://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=icgg2014. If you already have an EasyChair account, log in. Otherwise, sign up for an account.
  2. Once logged in, click on the New Submission link.
  3. Specify the contact information for all authors (they will be notified about the submission by email), the paper title, and a list of keywords.
  4. Please note that we will consider the submitted files in section Upload Paper as the extended abstract, and not the Abstract text box in the EasyChair system.
  5. Also, please ensure that your contribution matches our format.
  6. Add text and figures of your abstract, and click Submit to send the submission.

Note: You can update all of this information at a later time in the EasyChair system.








