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CV – Manfred Husty

June 15, 1954 in Hallein/Salzburg.
Primary school in Hallein
Bundesgymnasium in Hallein
Studies at the Technical University and at Karl-Franzens-University in Graz: Mathematics, geometry and physical education (high school teacher); additionally studies in philosophy, sociology
National trainer diploma for track and field choaches.
November 1979
Graduation, Mag. rer. nat.
December 1983
Graduation, Dr. techn. (TU-Graz).
Professional career
October 1, 1979–August 31, 2000
employed at the Institut of Mathematics and Applied Geometry of Montan University Leoben; at first as Tutor
December 1979–February 1984
contract assistent,
December 1984–April 1989
university assistent,
March 1989
Habilitation in geometry (Montan University Leoben)
April 1989–October 1997
assistant professor
Erwin Schrödinger Fellowship, research sabbatical at Centre for Intelligent Machines, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Elected “Associate Member” of Centre for Intelligent Machines, McGill University.
October 1997–August 31, 2000
associate professor
since September 1, 2000
full professor of geometry at University of Innsbruck.
dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering
April 2013
Doctor Honoris Causa, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca