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Talks – Matthias Weber

Registered talks

Registered talks

[1] Hans-Peter Schröcker and Matthias J. Weber. Fat Polygons, Ball Coverings, and Collision Detection with Toleranced Motions. Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Ljubljana, June 2013. [ PDF ]
[2] Matthias J. Weber. Uniqueness Results for Extremal Quadrics. OeMG - CSASC 2011, Krems, September 2011. [ PDF ]
[3] Matthias J. Weber. Uniqueness Results for Extremal Quadrics - Minimal area ellipses in the hyperbolic plane. Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Vorau, June 2011. [ PDF ]
[4] Matthias J. Weber. Minimal area conics in the elliptic plane. 2nd Croatian Conference on Geometry and Graphics, Sibenik, September 2010. [ PDF ]
[5] Matthias J. Weber. Uniqueness Results for Extremal Ellipsoids. Conference on Geometry: Theory and Applications, Pilsen, June 2009. [ PDF ]